Saturday, August 2, 2008


-It is August!

Our Girls workshop was such a hit and we had some money left that we had another jam making workshop day to try making orange marmalade. It is Orange season here and so they are real cheap!

While the jam was cooking we had lunch and then demonstrated how to make a Papaya tree guild garden at Kongei Primary with matembele and lemon grass cuttings from my garden.

You can see pictures on my PICASA web page!
July teaching has been fun.
I was able to get 4 live fish from a villager to dissect with the Form II students. They are very excited to be in the lab and use the equipment and touch things.

Form I mounted onion cell slides and used the microscopes last week. They are also, so grateful. This is the fun part of the job, 50 kids grateful to use 6 microscopes or 4 fish then another 50 reuse the same fish!

The students are drawing diagrams of many biology structures and love the colored pencils my sister brought. I always the pencils back at the end of class, every one!

The music club is doing great. They has learned 5 notes as well as how to read 4/4 time, quarter and half notes and rests and name the lines and spaces. They want to play Simple Gifts for graduation and also their national anthem.

I am going to try making “playdough” again to use for cell models. I need cream of Tartar, so someone is going to bring it from Dar.

I made a lung model with a lantern globe, balloon and hose. It worked! Next week I am getting a cow heart and kidney to dissect from our night watchman’s village. In three weeks the dispensary head nurse is coming to show the students how a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff work and answer questions about blood types.

At home, I bought a round bottom clay pot to cook rice and soup. Twaha, our night watchman made a banana leaf ngata to hold the pot on the table or... to carry on my head.

I also made 120 chocolate chip cookies for my Form I students with the chips Barb brought in June. Baking on a lid inside a bigger pot on a charcoal stove!

(Pictures attached)

I will take a break at the end of August for a long week end. Bagamoyo is a town on the beach near Dar. I am going to celebrate a PCV returning to USA. I am looking forward to the beach and some R&R.


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